Version 2.0 - Data on these pages was last updated on 27/07/2024 at 05:29:08

Meteobridge Templates with Values

Temperature Readings

21.9°C = Indoor Temperature

12.8°C = Current Temperature on ISS

14.3°C = Davis VP Extra Temperature Sensor #1 - Ground Level temperature

13.2°C = Davis Greenhouse Temperature - Mid Level in Greenhouse

Soil Temperature and Moisture Readings

16.5°C = Davis Soil Temperature #1 - Alongside Moisture Sensor

200 (cbar/cB) = Davis Soil Moisture #1 - 0 = Saturated, 255 = Bone Dry

0-10 Saturated Soil. Occurs for a day or two after irrigation.
10-20 Soil is adequately wet.
30-60 Usual range to irrigate or water.
60-100 Usual range to irrigate heavy clay soils .
100-200 Soil is becoming dangerously dry. for maximum production.

Weather Station Battery Status

0 = ISS battery status flag
0 = Extra Temperature Sensor battery status flag
0 = Soil Temperature Sensor battery status flag

Sun and Moon

5:18AM = Sunrise time
8:59PM = Sunset time
11:22PM = Moon rise time
1:17PM = Moon set time
21 = Current age of the moon (days since new moon)
61 = Lunar Phase in % (0% = New Moon, 100% = Full Moon)
6 = Lunar Segment (0 = New Moon 1-3 = Waxing Moon: Quarter, Half, Three Quarter 4 = Full Moon 5-7 = Waining Moon: Three Quarter, Half, Quarter)

Rain Totals

Total Rain Hour ——mm
Total Rain Today 0.00mm
Total Rain Yesterday 0.00mm
Total Rain This Month 87.60mm
Total Rain This Year 471.40mm

MeteoBridge - Data

Meteobridge Software Version 5.9
Meteobridge Software Build Number 5073
Meteobridge Platform MBPRO2
Weather Station Meteostick-Vantage
Last Good Data 3s
Meteobridge Uptime 8170555seconds 136175.9mins 2269.6hours 94.6days